2025 Preaching Workshop

This preaching workshop will be conducted online for eight weeks from March 20 (Thursday, 6:00–7:30 PM) to May 8, consisting of a 45-minute lecture and a 45-minute sharing session. The workshop will include an introduction to trends in homiletics, various theoretical topics, education by preachers and scholars, preaching guidelines reflecting key concepts from conferences, and additional focus on text-centered preaching styles. Additional content, training, and preaching practice will also be provided. Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a “Certificate of Completion for Intermediate Preaching Competency.”

Instructor Introduction

Professor Soo Young Kim
  • Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M & Th.D, Major in Bible Exposition)
  • Former Professor of Homiletics at Torch Trinity Graduate University, Former Senior Pastor of Nanum Church
  • Current Professor of Homiletics at Azusa Theological Seminary and The Alliance Korea Theological Institute (ATI)
  • Current Senior Pastor of HIS Church